General Camp Information

Residential Camp Information


Since its beginning in 1999, we have served more than 200 young people each summer using a staff of 10 to 12 college aged counselors. In many ways the developmental experiences have as profound an impact on the staff as they do on the campers. We seek to make the camp available to all young people without regard to their ability to pay. Our camp fee for 2021 is $240 per camper. This includes six days and five nights of a residential camp, all meals, program supplies, and activity fees. The cost to the Center is approximately $450 per camper. We rely on contributions from individuals, churches, businesses, civic organizations, and grants from foundations to fund the difference between the fee charged and the actual cost. We also offer scholarships to approximately 40% of those who come to camp.

Our camp has been tremendously successful over the years because of the commitment of the staff and the unique skills and talents they bring. For the past 21 summers, we have had one or more international staff members. They have come from England, Wales, Slovenia, Poland, Scotland, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, Australia, France, Jamaica, Mexico, and New Zealand. They have added a great deal and broadened the perspective of our camp program. In addition to the very competitive salaries we offer, we spend approximately $500 per staff member for training. Each member of the staff receives two weeks of training on basic camp counseling, certification in first aid and CPR, high and low ropes course facilitation, and rock climbing and rappelling certification.

If you attended summer camp when you were growing up, you probably have fond memories of counselors, activities, challenges, and fun adventures that made it a great experience at the time. However, looking back after years later, you have likely realized just how formative those summers at camp really were.

The Camp Program

Our Residential Camp programs are for rising fifth through twelfth graders. We operate nine camp sessions during the summer. In addition to our basic camp activities, such as hiking, arts and crafts, swimming, and having campfires, we also have special camps that are focused on nature and the environment, rock climbing and rappelling, community service, backpacking, camping, caving, and climbing. All of these programs offer real challenges in an environment that is safe.

Day Camp Information

Day Camp will facilitate your child’s ability to play successfully and cooperatively with peers in a group. The child will learn how to work in a group and complete art or nature projects. Campers will develop an appreciation for the environment. Youth will learn how to work with different art mediums. Additionally, Day Camp will help your child become comfortable in and around the water. Children will learn and improve upon their swimming skills while at camp. If your youth attends both sessions of Learn to Swim Camp and/or Art Camp, the second session will focus on building on the skills that were learned in the first session.

What does camp look like? Check it out!

Still unsure if you should send your child to summer camp? Check out this article: Benefits of Camp: Skill Development